After profiling The Orbit Group founder and CPA Greg Dennis, we’ve now turned our attentions to our bookkeeper, Amelia Edwards. If you’ve happened to check out Amelia on our team profile page, you’ll know she loves a good baking session almost as much as helping our clients out of a stressful spot with the Australian Tax Office.
Amelia has taken 5 minutes out of her day to share a little bit about herself and why she loves working at The Orbit Group.
Why did you get into accounting?
I started as an Office Manager for Greg. I found accounting and bookkeeping was interesting and challenging. And the rest (as they say) is history. I learnt that math wasn’t as bad as teenage me had assumed and that I should have tried harder at it when I was in school. I enjoy what I do.
Favourite 3pm pick-me-up
Cadbury’s Chocolate – Any type will do!
A typical day for you looks like…
As the Client Manager, I need to allow a healthy amount of time to be there and listen to the needs and wants of the The Orbit Group clients. I also have set tasks I need to complete. So much of my day is scheduled according to priority. I like to be fair with my time and prioritise what needs to be actioned straight away. It helps lower client stress and ensures what needs the most attention receives it. And I like to do the job well as opposed to rush towards that heady sense of completion.
If you could pick a favourite at work task, what would it be and why?
My favourite work task has to be chatting to clients on the phone assisting them with their needs. Everyone knows my best skill is definitely conversationally based!
What’s one myth about small business accountancy that boils your potato?
The myth I’d like to bust the most isn’t necessarily about accountancy, but small business in general. Some people still think because business are classified as small they aren’t equipped to do the work of larger organisations. In actual fact, they’re quite adept at taking on the larger scale business. And as they’re small, often the client service is ten times better.
What’s something any business can do it 20 minutes or less each week that can make accounting so much easier?
Ditch the paper files and discover cloud accounting. Automating your bookkeeping and data entry is a massive labour and time saver. And just think- no more Excel spreadsheets acting as accounting programs!
What’s the most common mistake you see coming across your desk? How can people/businesses avoid it?
Claiming for GST on things they shouldn’t. It can tie you up in knots and attract all the wrong kinds of scrutiny from the ATO. You can’t expect to be able to be good at what you are good at as well as keep abreast with every change the ATO makes. That’s why you should get me to do your bookkeeping!
Finish this sentence: I do my best work to…
…the radio on softly in the background.
Why do you love working at The Orbit Group?
Working at Orbit is great because I work for friends. And I can be honest and completely who I am. There are no egos at The Orbit Group. Just good, kind people who care about what we do for people. Not to mention that Greg is the best boss I have had! Working with Orbit makes me feel like I am a part of a bigger future. I see myself growing with Greg in all business ventures. I feel like part of the success of Orbit and not just another number on employee list.
Want an accountancy firm that cares about you and makes you feel special? Contact The Orbit Group and see what magic Amelia can do for you!