Are you wishing, hoping and praying for more good client referrals? Then the question on the tip of our tongue is how much appreciation have you shown your existing clientele this year?
If your clients and customers aren’t referring you to every man and dog they know, it could be stalling your business, and the fastest route to speeding up and increasing your client referrals is via delighting them.
Why are client referrals important?
Remember those ‘A Class’ clients we were talking about? Well, this is how you get the all important client referrals.
When it comes to trust, people will choose their family and friends opinions over a marketing campaign any day of the new year. Beyond trust, client referrals boost sales, are cost-effective, have a high chance of closing, and it also means that you’re more likely to retain your existing ones. Now the million-dollar question…
How do you increase client referrals?
If your business does what it says on the tin and provides a 5-star client and customer experience, client referrals will roll on in. So the best way to improve your chances of this organic form of marketing is to charm your existing ones. While we encourage treating your clients all year long, there’s no better time to start than the festive season.
Twelve days of delighting your customers and clients.
On the first day of Christmas, a good business gave to me…
One – genuine connection.
Beyond providing a friendly and reliable service, aim to go the extra mile for your customers and clients by making an effort to connect with them. Make sure they know their relationship with your business matters by taking an interest in how they are and making a habit out of regular meetups.
Two – event invites.
While events are usually considered a lead generation tactic, they’re also a fantastic way to say thank you and demonstrate your gratitude to your existing clientele. So get a few industry-specific speakers on board, grab a few drinks and invite your customers and clients along to a night of good conversation and insightful talks.
Three – giving acknowledgements.
When a client refers you to someone within their network, don’t forget the two most important words, thank you. A simple thank you goes a long way, and a good old fashioned card and gift can go even further. So much so that if you send a parcel of your appreciation, then we’d be surprised if they didn’t start referring you left, right and centre.
Four – general checkups.
Beyond account management and appointment confirmations, you can show your clients how much you value them by giving them a call to see if they are enjoying your service. Not only is this a fantastic opportunity to connect with your clients, but it will provide you with a different perspective of your business that could uncover opportunities to improve your service or product.
Five – pay it forward.
Do your clients and customers run their own business? If that’s an affirmative, then don’t be a stranger. Whether it’s reviewing your commercial contracts or booking a family holiday, make your client base your go-to for their area of expertise and encourage your team to follow suit.
Six – walking the walk.
According to the law of giving and taking, a great way to get referrals is to give referrals. If you’re sending business to your clients and customers, then they’re more likely to seek opportunities to reciprocate the favour.
Seven – go above and beyond.
When it comes to your service or product – underpromise and overdeliver. This might look like delivering projects ahead of schedule, throwing in a few extras, and maintaining a quick response time. If you exceed their expectations time and time again, why wouldn’t they pass on your details?
Eight – a queen’s arrival.
When your clients and customers enter your premises, don’t just make them feel welcome when you can make them feel special. Design a space where your clients and customers feel comfortable and at home as soon as they walk through the door, and don’t forget to offer them a refreshment on entry.
Nine – a quick intro.
Another way to help your clients and customers feel extra special is by introducing them to your whole team. Not only will it help them put a name to a face when they visit or Zoom, but they’ll also know who to go to when you’re not around.
Ten – the gift that keeps on giving.
A sure-fire way to make your clients feel the love is by taking the time and effort to find a thoughtful and personalised gift. It’s also very challenging to forget a business that expresses its appreciation with a surprise delivery. Don’t just reserve this one for the holidays either, a present out of the blue can be even more well-received.
Eleven – raise each other up.
The power a review holds, especially a public one on Google and Facebook, cannot be understated. If you’ve already crossed off step five, then share your positive experience far and wide, especially if they’ve already provided a testimonial for your business.
Twelve – celebrate their wins.
While it’s easy to have tunnel vision on your business goals, your customers and clients have their very own dreams and aspirations too. So whether they’ve hit a small milestone or soared to a whole new height, be sure to congratulate them on their success. Hint: It might even be the perfect time for that unexpected gift.
So, how are you showing your gratitude to your customers and clients this festive season (and beyond)?
If you’re not having any luck in the client referrals department, the Orbit team is here to get them rolling in with our business advisory services. So book a chat or get in touch today and let’s make more good client referrals possible next year.